The Integration Journey.

An intensive coaching experience for visionaries, public figures, and hnwi.

Integration is about committing to the practice of shifting from philosophy, to experiential action, to successfully implementing ongoing processes. It’s about holding space for what is asking to emerge, slowing down in order to speed up, and doing the deep work in order to maximize progress + results. It’s strategic alchemy. The clients I work with are already successful, and they choose to work with me when they’re feeling called to claim leadership in new ways. I design each 1:1 coaching program around supporting people to anchor deeper into themselves and rise further into their spheres of impact + influence.

The Program

In this robust 6 or 12 month program, we will align who you are with your roles in the world. We’ll deepen your understanding + orientation across life silos. We will unearth the bespoke practices that are keys to your mastery. We will connect the dots between impact, business, money, and life to illuminate new possibilities, and then map the blueprint for activation. We will create an individualized structure of coaching and accountability, allowing you to step even more powerfully into your brilliance as a leader and change-maker.

  • ⊙ Weekly 1:1 sessions

    ⊙ Full-day deep dive experience session(s)

    ⊙ Full-day integration experience session(s)

    ⊙ Basecamp portal to keep track of documents, strategies, plans, and to-do lists

    ⊙ Dedicated Voxer channel for ongoing exchanges via audio message

    ⊙ Collaborative G-Doc with session notes, self evals, journaling, & new thinking

    ⊙ Homework tailored to individual goals

    ⊙ Spot coaching by phone

    ⊙ Unlimited email support

    ⊙ Access to a curated library of 100+ activities & resources

    ⊙ Meeting summaries & takeaways

    ⊙ Inspirational reference materials according to individual conversations

    ⊙ Challenges & experiments

  • We will explore and activate around (among many other emergent topics):

    ⊙ Executive Mindset

    ⊙ Barriers to Expansion

    ⊙ Subconscious Patterns & Stories

    ⊙ Creativity & Expression

    ⊙ Transforming the Critic

    ⊙ Mapping Imposter Syndrome

    ⊙ Triggers, Assumptions, & Blind Spots

    ⊙ Threshold Leadership

    ⊙ Wealth Consciousness

    ⊙ Cognitive Dissonance

    ⊙ The Energetics of Visibility

    ⊙ Possibility Matrix

    ⊙ Integrated Life Alignment

    ⊙ The Business of Shared Humanity

    ⊙ Deep Work

    ⊙ Alchemy of Chaos





Application →


“This work in partnership with Christine has saved my life, changed my life, and created possibilities so invigorating I didn't even know to dream about them. I am alive for the first time in my 58 years as a self-made billionaire. Christine helped me contextualize and understand my journey so that I can truly live my life.”





A miracle is a positive disruption.

This is about perspective shifts, revelations, and getting reacquainted with and reconnected to the deepest and most significant core of who you are in order to build what you’re here to build. As you take greater leadership in your life, meet your edges, become more prominent, and field new opportunities, often anything that has prevented you from moving forward in the past will come up. These blocks and old patterns can either hold you back or become stepping stones towards your next level of mastery…if you know how to use them.

It is my job as your coach to be a clear mirror for what truly activates you and what truly – and usually invisibly – trips you up. The coaching container helps you show up more powerfully for the work that really matters to you by exploring the goal behind the goal, the reason behind the reason. This program is designed to help see unseen paths, to imagine unimagined possibilities, to know unknown truths, to feel unfelt understandings. This level of coaching invites a more grounded and self-aware way to be and to lead, beginning with coming to know who you are choosing to be exactly right now. My highest expression is to help you realize that you already are everything you seek; you already have the answers within.

We will center around giving a voice to those deep, essential, life-giving places in you, so that you may know them more consciously, live what they teach you, mine their wisdom, and apply it to your Work. In business it’s easy to get carried away with the quarterly planning norms of goal setting and goal achieving. We so often want absolutes and agreement. But those things aren’t always what’s needed. Sometimes what is needed is exploration through the grappling, because that is the way to expansion, and expansion is the way to scintillating magnetism + meaningful legacy.

It is through this discovery process that we will pick up clues as to what will most powerfully serve you right now. Experiential learning is the ultimate empowerment for actively creating. Creating an impact, creating an audience, creating wealth, creating focus, creating a company, creating alignment, creating a new path, creating your legacy…it’s all here for you if you’re willing to show up fully and commit to the journey. You will activate around your most profound wisdom to drive personal growth, professional growth, financial growth, organizational growth, and spiritual growth.


  • “Working with Christine was one of the most profound processes and journeys of my life.”

    — Jack Delosa

  • “The spaces opened by Christine give rise to focus, clarity, and sharp wisdom which has enabled me to evolve rapidly as a high impact, global executive.”

    Kat Dunn

  • “Christine created a space where she was a mirror, a voice, a prompt, a listening ear, a place of belonging where I felt at home to realize the power that was already within me.’

    John White

  • “Christine’s response was to follow the bliss. Thinking about it, follow the bliss is a wonderful piece of advice to give people in life.”

    Sir Richard Branson

  • “Working with Christine was the wisest decision I made in 2021.”


  • “While working with Christine I have enjoyed breakthrough after breakthrough, making my life exponentially richer. It’s the single most important investment I’ve ever made. This version of me is a miracle, and I didn’t use that word before meeting Christine. I’m alive for the first time ever.”


  • “Christine has such a unique, almost indescribable gift of pulling out the absolute truest bits of you.”

    Micah Sannan


My coaching provides a gateway to access unrealized human potential combining business strategy, depth psychology, and modern mysticism.


“The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanded concept of what it means to be human.”

— John Naisbitt