

My clients work with me when they are ready to rediscover and redefine their impact, influence, and legacy...from the inside out. 

From there, we co-create a container where we engage in exceptional conversations and scintillating questions which reveal what’s possible now.

I weave elements of neuroscience, depth psychology, and meta perspective with business strategy and organizational design. 


An unexpected wild ride

My career has spanned work from academia as a Clinton Scholar in the Middle East, to a research practicum in hostage negotiation and counterintelligence, to living on four continents, to being SVP of a billion-dollar investment firm, to co-founding an impact fund. Throughout it all, I have nurtured a fascination with the psychology of the human condition, and how elements of mindset can be activated for personal growth, magnetism, and impact. I explore the liminal space between the imagined and the experienced, and what is required of people to bring their fullest selves and greatest aspirations to fruition. I believe that one day we will enjoy an economy where leaders everywhere are functioning through lenses of presence, centeredness, compassion, and awareness. As a result, how modern society utilizes business and money will create a more connected human experience.

  • Officially, I am an executive coach and advisor to CxOs, visionaries, public figures, and HNWIs. I also work within organizations, and in those spheres I pride myself on being a world-class teamwork facilitator and offsite wizard.

    I am the creator of Alchemy of Chaos, which is a group program experience for high-level leaders, a podcast, and a forthcoming book. Find out more here.

    I specialize in wealth consciousness and visibility energetics.

    My work supports deep behavioral change by using business as a lens to elevate self-awareness. I help companies scale with soul by guiding visionary executives to claim leadership in new ways. I am a mentor to the Kauffman Fellows, I serve on the Leadership Council of the Women Business Collaborative, and I spent several years as a Global Shaper commissioned by the World Economic Forum. I have coached leaders at Slack, WeWork, Vanderbilt, Foresight, AJ Capital, Teleport, SC Johnson, Scopely. Ticketmaster, Radiology Partners, Pure Storage, Northwestern Mutual, Uncharted Power, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Cloud9, Grameen Bank, and others.


I want to be remembered as generous and generative. Holding the doorway open between enlightenment and endarkenment. What is integral to who I am is an interesting mix of deep wisdom and childlike wonder. I want any experience with me to feel real, and compelling, and also fun. A fantastic mix of irreverence and intentionality.


Why do i do this?

I do this because I desire to live in a world where people are more connected to themselves, to others, and to what they are valiantly creating. I do what I do because it gives me perspective, life, and energy to create and imagine potential futures. I get to witness transformation every day. I get to watch as people connect their own dots and light up with that deeply held confidence that comes from realizing that they always already knew the answers to their own questions. I get to support people to live more deeply and profoundly in their giant moments and accomplishments, and all the small ones that no one but me and a handful of others see. I do what I do so others can spread the spark of the kind of magic that is borne from self awareness and awareness of the world around us.


See my latest creation. listen to me interviewed or dive into my Inspirations.